July 27, 2016


As the construction of Link continues to move ahead, we have more exciting news to share! The main services have been brought to the site, including the water mains and sewers, which is a critical milestone.

The Natura building, located on the South West corner of the community, will have the 4th floor concrete slab complete by mid next week and then will be moving on up to the 5th floor. With only 2 floors left, it won’t be long until the roof is on and windows are being installed.

The ground floor for the Terra building, on the North West corner of the site, is complete and the columns for the retail area are in; the building is now set to rise towards the sky!

Our trade partners have been working hard to progress construction quickly. Stay tuned for another update next month!

For more information about the Link project, visit Steve and Katerina at our Presentation Centre. We are open Monday to Thursday from 2:00 to 7:00 pm, Friday and holidays by appointment, and Saturday and Sunday from 12:00 to 5:00 pm.

Link: 5210 Dundas St. W,. Burlington. Phone: 905-592-2028 Email: link@adidevelopments.com